Thinking of launching a pet sitting service, or maybe you want to set up a dog walking business? Or do you offer pet sitting services in your own home or other people’s homes?
While pet sitting is an exciting and profitable career, it can be tricky, especially if you know little about how to manage your own business, legal policies, or pet sitting insurance.
Curious what pet sitting is about, or why it’s essential to keep your pets or those of other people protected? If so, read on to know all about pet sitting coverage so you can get your pet minding business started on the right track.
Why Pet Sitting Insurance is Necessary
If you pet-sit, you may be wondering why pet sitting insurance is necessary, especially if you’re just getting started and haven’t yet built up a solid client base. With so many pet care jobs out there, it can be challenging to know where and when you might need pet insurance. You should consider buying pet insurance if you plan to provide or already provide these common kinds of pet care:
- In-house pet boarding
- Dog walking
- Feeding and care (of dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, fish, etc.)
- Live-in pet sitting
- Pet grooming
- Dog training
- Pet driving service
Surprisingly, most pet sitter insurance policies cover the risks associated with these jobs. But before you buy any policy, be sure to go through each plan to ensure there aren’t any coverage gaps. If you can’t seem to get a that includes everything you need, some specific policies are available to cover precisely what you need.
Benefits of Pet Sitting Insurance
Pet sitting insurance not only covers you and your service, but it can also give your business several benefits, including:
Marketing Edge
Being able to promote your pet sitting business as completely insured will immediately make it attractive to people shopping for a pet minder. They’ll want a service they can rely on.
Reassurance for Pet Owners
Pet owners are customarily concerned for the well-being of their pets. That’s why they won’t merely trust anybody with their pets. Buying insurance shows that you’re a reliable pet minder and take your job seriously. Also, you’ve got the resources and coverage needed to handle any situations that might arise while minding their pet.
Competitive Edge
With pet sitting insurance, you immediately gain an edge over other competitors who have no insurance. It’ll instantly lift your business to another level and help you get more gigs.
What’s Covered by Pet Sitting Insurance?
Pet sitting insurance can cover a range of insurance issues. Here are the main policy aspects you need to check out in any pet sitting insurance policy.
Public Liability Insurance
Perhaps this is the most critical aspect of any commercial insurance policy. But for pet sitters, public liability can have many more aspects to it than other kinds of work. Public liability insurance usually protects you against claims made by the general public or clients. When you add animals to the mix, things may get more complicated. For instance, if a dog you’re walking attacks an individual or destroys their property, you might be liable to a claim. And if you’re minding a client’s pet at their home, you might also be at fault if you hurt their pet or damage their property in any way. Given that public liability claims often run into thousands of pounds, it’s crucial to get the right cover.
Employer’s Liability Coverage
The law requires that you have employer’s liability coverage if you employ someone in your pet sitting service, even if it’s just temporarily. It will shield you from claims made by employees who’ve had their property destroyed, who’ve been injured, or who’ve fallen ill while working for you.
Personal Accident & Illness Cover
Many pet sitters go freelance and depend on regular work to earn a living. If you’re sick or injured and therefore can’t work, the personal accident and sickness coverage can help compensate for lost wages when you’re out of work.
Care, Custody & Control
This is a critical component of pet sitting insurance that isn’t always offered. It protects you against accidents that occur while pets are under your care, control and custody. It covers the main business premises, which is vital for pet care businesses like dog training, dog boarding and dog daycare. Most insurance providers offer this cover but not all. No matter where you’re buying insurance from, make sure this insurance policy is included.
What’s the Cost of Pet Sitting Insurance?
This question is quite tricky to answer, considering how broad-based pet insurance is. Pet sitting insurance prices can vary significantly based on the kinds of pet care you are offering and the insurance provider. When choosing pet sitting insurance, ask various insurers about how much their coverage costs. From there, ask for different rates and options so you can choose a policy that best suits your needs and budget.
What to Ask When Buying Pet Sitting Insurance
It’s vital to assess all of your pet coverage options before settling on one. Choosing the right one entails knowing the risks attached to the specific pet care you provide. It also involves working with an insurer that can customize their coverage to your particular needs, so you know you’re protected against any worst-case scenarios. Before picking your pet sitting insurance, let your insurance agent know about your specific business needs and situation, and be sure to ask relevant questions. Here are a few questions you can ask during the chat:
- What happens if a pet falls sick when I’m looking after them?
- Who foots the medical bill if a pet needs the attention of a vet?
- What if I unintentionally injure or harm a pet?
- What if a fire or something else causes damage during pet sitting?
- What if I damage something of value in a home while pet sitting?
When buying pet sitting insurance, ask as many questions as possible. No question is silly or too irrelevant. Feel free to ask anything that’ll help you decide if pet sitting insurance is right for you.
Final Thoughts
Buying pet sitting insurance means investing in not just your business but also yourself as a pet minder. It gives you the coverage you require to run your business and shows potential clients that you’re dead serious about providing first-class pet care. If you don’t have pet sitting insurance yet, be sure to give it some serious thought today.
Once you have decided to go ahead the following video may be handy.
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